Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) is a newly introduced powerful technique that provides the longest relief from allergy symptoms compared to other common treatments. SAAT treats everything from mild sensitivities to histamine intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). It is a specialized yet simple acupuncture treatment where one needle placed in the ear can drastically reduce allergy symptoms by 80-95%.
Acupuncture can treat the root of your health issues and reverse them naturally. It is used to treat many different diseases and disorders. Common ailments that respond well to acupuncture are tendonitis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, respiratory disorders, skin problems, dysmenorrhea, gynecological issues and digestive disorders. Acupuncture provides a deeper healing of the root of many chronic and acute diseases, rather than suppressing the symptoms.
Herbs were commonly used before western pharmaceuticals were introduced. Treating and preventing medical conditions with herbs is naturally safe and effective.
We believe many illnesses are caused by the toxins in our foods and water. Avoiding manufactured ingredients and pesticides reduces the harmful substances entering our bodies. Replacing them with cleaner, more organically grown food and natural plant remedies aids the body in healing itself and preventing future disease.
I specialize in non-narcotic practices in healing pain such as headaches, chronic pain, joint pain, and back pain. I use an array of proven healing methods. My goal is to treat and relieve your pain permanently instead of using pharmaceuticals for temporary relief.
Our bodies are quite adept at repairing themselves. Chinese medicine assists the body in the healing process. I use methods that aid that natural ability with modalities like acupuncture, nutrition, myofascial release and cupping.
Cosmetic acupuncture has gained popularity in recent years as a safe and effective way to feel and look your best! I have received training in the Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System and am excited to share it with you.