The first appointment will consist of a thorough review of your health history and a physical examination, followed by an acupuncture treatment. After the initial appointment, we will compose a treatment plan based on your individual needs.
During the intake, you will be asked many questions, some related specifically to you your complaint and others seemingly unrelated. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) requires the entire person be taken into consideration so we can determine the underlying root of the condition. We treat the whole person, no just the symptoms. Virtually every patient requires a course of several treatments to get the positive results they want from TCM.
One or all of the basic modalities of TCM may become part of your treatment plan and include acupuncture, bodywork, gua aha, cupping, and herbal medicine. The initial session will last 90 minutes. Follow up sessions will be 1 hour.
It is recommended that you eat something light before your treatment and not come on an empty stomach. You will be most comfortable if you wear loose clothing that can roll up past the elbows and knees.
I will send you an appointment confirmation email with intake forms. If you do not have access to the internet or cannot complete the forms for any reason, please let me know by calling ahead of time so we can make special arrangements for you.
Please also bring a list of any supplements or medications you are taking regularly, and copies of any relevant laboratory results or doctor’s notes.
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue to serve the community with quality medical care through acupuncture and herbal medicine. Your generous donation will fund our mission.